(1) Cleaning of laparoscopic equipment: the detachable part of laparoscopic equipment shall be removed immediately after operation and cleaned. It shall be soaked with enzyme and then washed with flowing water. For instruments with lumen, it shall be brushed repeatedly with a full brush after each use, and then washed repeatedly with running water or high-pressure water gun
Use a cotton swab to clean the inner cavity of the valve, the spring, the sealing ring and the side hole of the puncture cone. After drying, restore the valve in time to avoid the loss of small parts in the valve. When cleaning the grasping instrument and scissors, open the rotating shaft and brush gently. If there are still stubborn debris on the coupling, clean it with an ultrasonic cleaner. Wipe the camera and laparoscope with a soft cloth to dry, Never wipe with a rough cloth towel to avoid scratching the lens. It is strictly prohibited to use an ultrasonic cleaner to clean the endoscope

(2) Disinfection of laparoscopic equipment: different instruments can be disinfected by high-temperature and high-pressure sterilization and low-temperature sterilization respectively. Cameras, cables and electrodes cannot be disinfected by disinfectant immersion or high-temperature and high-pressure sterilization, otherwise serious damage will be caused to the instruments. Only gas fumigation or plasma low-temperature sterilization can be used